Drinking Violations Expected to Rise 30% This Halloween

When Halloween lands on or near the weekend, alcohol violations spike, and sometimes by a significant amount. A recent report shows that when Halloween lands on a Friday or a Saturday, as it does this year, drinking infractions rise nearly 30%, compared to just 5% when it happens on any other day.

Data compiled for the 2013 book "Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud" shows the following facts:

  • Two hospital admissions each minute are attributable to alcohol directly, a 65% increase over five years
  • 22% of the 12 million home-accident injuries in 2012 were alcohol-related
  • 45% of drownings are alcohol-related
  • 15.5% of occupational injuries are alcohol-related
  • 76% of incarcerated men and women claim to have been under the influence while committing their offenses
  • A drinker is at a two-and-a-half-times greater risk of a violent death

Halloween can be a lot of fun--but it's also a dangerous time to be driving. Use a BACtrack and make sure you are making smart choices.

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